EXADS RTB Bid Response Specifications
Note: The EXADS RTB Bid Response is done using JSON and XML.
The response for a bid request should have the following structure:
Bid Response Object
Attribute | Description |
id | ID of the impression object to which this bid applies, must match id sent in the request (string) |
imgUrl | Image url (only for type banner) |
iconUrl | Icon url (only for type push_notification and must be of requested dimensions) |
clickUrl | Forward url when campaign is clicked (for type banner or push_notification) |
url | Forward url when campaign is clicked (only for type popunder) |
title | Title of the ad (only for type push_notification) |
description | Description of the ad (only for type push_notification) |
value | Bid price in CPM or CPC (float) |
imptrackers | Impression trackers, optional (only for type push_notification) |
btype | Pricing Model. Values: 1 = CPM, 2 = CPC. Default = 1 (int). Note: When response is for an Email Clicks zone request, 1 = Smart CPC. |
bUrl | Billing notification URL, it is recommended to use HTTP over HTTPS for bUrl |
* Only Push Notification ads accept the CPC pricing model. * The bURL is called when impression or click has been delivered, depending on CPM or CPC from btype field (default CPM).
Bid Response in JSON
"bid": {
"id" : "d4b5c697-41f3-4c1c-a3d5-5fd01b5ef2aa",
"imgUrl" : "http://mysite.com/images/myad.jpg",
"clickUrl" : "http://mysite.com/landingpages/mypage",
"btype": 1,
"value" : 0.34,
"bUrl": "https://mysite.com/my_billing_notification_url"
Email Clicks
"bid": {
"id": "d4b5c697-41f3-4c1c-a3d5-5fd01b5ef2aa",
"clickUrl": "http://mysite.com/landingpages/mypage?el={email_encoded}",
"value": 0.07,
"btype": 2,
"nUrl": "http://network-domain.com/win-notification",
"bUrl": "https://mysite.com/my_billing_notification_url"
"bid": {
"id" : "dd4b5c697-41f3-4c1c-a3d5-5fd01b5ef2aa",
"url" : "http://mysite.com/landingpages/mypage",
"btype": 1,
"value" : 0.13,
"bUrl": "https://mysite.com/my_billing_notification_url"
Push Notifications
"bid": {
"id" : "d4b5c697-41f3-4c1c-a3d5-5fd01b5ef2aa",
"iconUrl" : "http://mysite.com/images/myadicon.jpg",
"clickUrl" : "http://mysite.com/landingpages/mypage",
"title": "My Ad Title",
"description": "My Ad Description Text",
"btype": 2,
"value" : 0.13,
"bUrl": "https://mysite.com/my_billing_notification_url",
"imptrackers": [
* Only one imptracker URL is allowed in the case of Push Notification ads
Bid Response in XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Direct Link
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Email Clicks
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Push Notification
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>My Ad Title</title>
<description>My Ad Description Text</description>
No Bid Response
To answer a bid request without making an actual bid, an HTTP response code 204 "No Content" should be sent.