Prebid / OpenRTB 2.5 Bid Request
Prebid Server / OpenRTB 2.5
This implementation supports both the regular OpenRTB 2.5 implementation and the Prebid Server implementation. In order to use the Prebid Server implementation, the campaign needs to be created with the Prebid Server template.
The Prebid Server implementation has an ext.prebid.storedrequest
field where the id of the StoredRequest is provided. An example can be found in the specs below.
You can find more examples here.
Additional Privacy Fields
We have added additional fields regarding privacy, regs.ext.gdpr
and user.ext.consent
, which are compliant with the IAB privacy specifications (in the Advised Extensions section). There is more information about this here.
Bid Request Headers
- OpenRTB Version HTTP Header: x-openrtb-version: 2.5
- Keep-Alive HTTP Header: Connection: Keep-Alive
- Content JSON: Content-Type: application/json
- Data Encoding Header: Accept-Encoding
Bid Request 2.5
When requesting bids for a specific context, the platform will perform an HTTP request with a timeout of 300ms and send the following object encoded as JSON in the request body. HTTP is recommended due to extra latency when using HTTPS.
Attribute | Description |
id | Unique bid request ID (string) |
site | Details via a Site object about the publisher’s website(object). |
device | Details via a Device object about the user’s device to which the impression will be delivered(object). |
user | Details via a User object about the human user of the device; the advertising audience(object). |
ext | Placeholder for extensions to OpenRTB. |
Attribute | Description |
id | Unique Site ID (string) |
domain | Domain name of the site (string) |
cat | IAB category ID (string array) |
page | Full URL of the page where the ad will be shown (string) |
keywords | Keywords can be used to ensure ad zones get the right type of advertising. Keywords should be a string of comma-separated words |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions |
Attribute | Description |
exchangecat | Custom EXADS category ID (integer) |
idzone | Custom EXADS Ad Zone ID (integer) |
keyword | Matching keyword if any (string) |
Attribute | Description |
ua | Browser user agent (string) |
geo | Location of the device assumed to be the user’s current location defined by a Geo object. |
ip | IP address of the user (string)* |
ipv6 | IPv6 address of the user (string)* |
language | Browser language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2 (string) |
os | Operating System (string) |
js | Support for JavaScript, where 0 = no, 1 = yes (integer) |
ext | Placeholder for exchange-specific extensions to OpenRTB |
Attribute | Description |
country | Country ISO3 |
Attribute | Description |
remote_addr | Main IP address of the user (string) |
x_forwarded_for | X-FORWARDED-FOR IP address of the user or empty if not set (string) |
Attribute | Description |
id | Unique user ID (string) |
Attribute | Description |
consent | user.ext.consent: This is the consent string required by the IAB standards. Negative consent only for now (string) |
prebid | Prebid Server specific data (object) |
Attribute | Description |
buyeruids | List of buyer uids (array) |
Attribute | Description |
id | Used for stored request matching on partners servers format: sr_odadsrv_ |
Attribute | Description |
gdpr | regs.ext.gdpr: This is 0 if the caller believes that the user is not under GDPR, and 1 if the user is under GDPR. If neither, this parameter will be undefined. |
Banner (Stored Request)
"id": "c1218af9-65fc-4d55-9ad6-8795c2daad25",
"site": {
"domain": "",
"page": "https:\/\/",
"id": "776186",
"cat": ["IAB25-3"],
"ext": {
"exchangecat": 508,
"idzone": 4068539
"device": {
"ua": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/88.0.4324.96 Safari\/537.36",
"ip": "",
"ipv6": "",
"geo": {
"country": "XXX"
"language": "en",
"os": "MacOS",
"js": 1,
"ext": {
"remote_addr": "",
"x_forwarded_for": ""
"regs": {
"ext": {
"gdpr": 0
"user": {
"id": "5fc94d61a66a37.821612521136907401",
"ext": {
"prebid": {
"buyeruids": {
"platform1": "C9446DA7-BB76-44B9-B260-77E16530AA03",
"platform2": "6372709574547581900",
"platform3": "456621142600017315",
"platform4": "3952063610783032691",
"platform5": "KX3KMRTI-11-ZMP",
"platform6": "402e4b19ff476fb23de2c97ebe62a47b",
"platform7": "bu7zD7LkVT2huSwTSvou"
"tmax": 3000,
"ext": {
"prebid": {
"storedrequest": {
"id": "sr_odadsrv_zone_<idzone>"
Banner Bid Request Structure