Ad Zone Details
When creating ad zones, you will need to fill out different details depending on which format you choose. See below for explanations of the details for each format:
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Format | Choose which format of banner you wish to use. |
Border | Choose a width for a border for the banner ad, from No Border to 5 pixels. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Return URL | This is a secondary URL that the popunder can direct to, if it does not generate enough revenue. |
Frequency/Every | Set how often you wish the ad to appear. |
Force Pop-Up | Choose this option to always show a popup instead of a popunder. |
Fallback to Popup | If there are any difficulties showing a popunder (due to browser for example), choose this option to fallback to a popup. |
New Tab | This option will make popunders appear in a tab instead of a window. This will not have any effect on browsers which already open popunders in a tab by default, such as Chrome. |
Trigger Method | Choose what action on the user's part will cause the popunder to show. |
Chrome Enabled | Enabled: Popunders will be shown on all browsers. Disabled: popunders will not be shown on Chrome. |
Fallback URL | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative URL | Paste the alternative URL tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Instant Message
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Once closed, hide for | Set the length of time that the ad is hidden for once it is closed. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Sticky Banner
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Format | Choose a format for the sticky banner. |
Border | Choose a width for a border for the banner ad, from No Border to 5 pixels. |
Once closed, hide for | The length of time that the ad is hidden for once it is closed. |
Sticky Vertical Position | The vertical position for the sticky banner. |
Sticky Horizontal Position | The horizontal position for the sticky banner. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Desktop Fullpage Interstitial
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Frequency | In this section you set how often you wish the ad to appear. You can choose whether to do this based on Clicks or Time using the radio button. |
Time | If you choose Time, you can set how often the ad appears when a user is browing the site. Simply set the number of times it shows per minute or hour, by entering two numbers and choosing Hours or Minutes from the drop-down. |
Clicks | If you choose Clicks, you can set how many clicks it takes to show the ad for the first time, and how many clicks will make it appear every time after that. Type a number into the field following 1st time after to set how many clicks cause the ad to appear. Then enter a number into the field following then after every, to set how many clicks cause the ad to repeat from then onwards. |
Trigger Method | Set what action should cause the ad to occur: Clicking anywhere on the page, on links with a specific class (Google Compliant), or only when clicking on a valid link. |
Trigger Classes | Here you indicate the class name that HTML elements need to have to trigger a popunder. |
Browser Settings | Choose whether to show this format on All browsers, Chrome only, or Non-Chrome Only. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
In-Stream Video (VAST)
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Frequency | Set how often you wish the ad to appear. |
Skip Button | The number of seconds that elapse before the Skip button becomes active. |
VAST Wrapper Support | You can disable VAST Wrapper Support if your video player does not support third-party VAST tags (VAST Wrappers). |
Fallback URL | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative URL | Paste the alternative URL tag to show if the floor is not met. |
In-Video Banner (VAST)
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Format | Choose a format for the In-Video Banner. |
Vertical Alignment | Choose whether to put the banner at the top, middle or bottom. |
Trigger Type | Select between Pre-Roll (at the start of the video), Pause (when the video is paused), Post roll (at the end of the video), or custom. If you select "Custom" as your trigger, you can decide precisely when in the video stream to show the advert. Choose between setting seconds or a percentage of the video before the ad appears. |
Show Ad | Choose whether to show ad until the video ends (unless closed by visitor) or hide it after a defined number of seconds. |
Fallback URL | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative URL | Paste the alternative URL tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Video Slider
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Once closed, hide for | Select how long ads will be hidden for once the user closes the ad. |
Close Button Delay | The number of seconds which elapse before the Close button becomes active, particularly on mobile devices. |
Maximum Density | This drop-down sets the maximum percentage of the screen that can be taken up by the ad zone. Choose a percentage between 20 and 30. This option ensures that the ad zone will display well on all screen sizes. |
Sound | This option means that ads will attempt to play with sound, and if it fails it will play with no sound. |
Branding | Turning this on will show our networks branding on your ad. |
Hide on Complete | If enabled, the video slider will close when it is finished. If disabled it will stay visible with a repeat button. |
Fallback URL | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative URL | Paste the alternative URL tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Mobile Banner
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Format | Choose a format for the Mobile Banner. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Mobile Popunder
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Return URL | This is a secondary URL that the popunder can direct to, if it does not generate enough revenue. |
Frequency/Every | Set how often you wish the ad to appear. |
Force Pop-Up | Choose this option to always show a popup instead of a popunder. |
Fallback to Popup | Choose this option to always show a popup instead of a popunder. |
New Tab | This option will force the popunder to show in a new tab. |
Trigger Method | Choose what action on the user's part will cause the popunder to show. |
Fallback URL | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative URL | Paste the alternative URL tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Mobile Instant Message
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Once closed, hide for | Set the amount of time that the ad is hidden for once the user closes it. |
User Capping | Here you can set a limit to how many times a single user will see this zone, to avoid annoying them. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Mobile Fullpage Interstitial
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Frequency | In this section you set how often you wish the ad to appear. You can choose whether to do this based on Clicks or Time using the radio button. |
Time | If you choose Time, you can set how often the ad appears when a user is browing the site. Simply set the number of times it shows per minute or hour, by entering two numbers and choosing Hours or Minutes from the drop-down. |
Clicks | If you choose Clicks, you can set how many clicks it takes to show the ad for the first time, and how many clicks will make it appear every time after that. Type a number into the field following 1st time after to set how many clicks cause the ad to appear. Then enter a number into the field following then after every, to set how many clicks cause the ad to repeat from then onwards. |
Trigger Method | Set what action should cause the ad to occur: Clicking anywhere on the page, on links with a specific class (Google Compliant), or only when clicking on a valid link. |
Trigger Classes | Here you indicate the class name that HTML elements need to have to trigger a popunder. |
Browser Settings | Choose whether to show this format on All browsers, Chrome only, or Non-Chrome Only. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Recommendation Widget
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Video Thumb | Enabling this option will show a video preview on touch/hover of the ad when available. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Exit Widget
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Frequency/Every | Set how often you wish the ad to appear. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Interstitial Widget
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Frequency/Every | Set how often you wish the ad to appear. |
Trigger Method | Set how the widget is triggered, either by clicking anywhere on the page, on links with a specific class, or only when clicking on a link. |
Trigger Classes | Indicate the class name that HTML elements need to have to trigger a popunder. |
Fallback HTML | Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone. Floor CPM: Here you can set a minimum price (floor) that the ad zone will accept for traffic. Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed. |
Alternative HTML tag | Paste the alternative HTML tag to show if the floor is not met. |
Push Notifications
Option | Explanation |
Name | Enter a name for the ad zone. |
Site | Enter a name for the site the ad zone is on. |
Category | Choose a category for the ad zone. |
Subcategory | Choose a subcategory for the ad zone. |
Push Notification Integration Method | Choose from Direct or Hosted. Direct Push Notifications will be sent from YOUR domain. Hosted Push Notifications will be sent from OUR domain. |
Soft-Ask Prompt | Enable the Soft-Ask Prompt switch to show soft prompts. If you choose to Use Default, the prompt will use the default one from the browser. If you choose Enable Call to Action you can then define the soft-ask prompt yourself. |